The eTwinning platform
eTwinning c’est quoi ?
The eTwinning platform is a platform which is co-funded by Erasmus Plus and which represents the community for schools in Europe. Indeed, its goal is to link different schools for the creation of mobility exchanges throughout Europe. It will be dedicated to the professionals of the establishments, such as educators, teachers, directors, to allow the creation of partnerships and to create new Erasmus projects.
One of the fundamental elements of eTwinning is the collaboration between the different participants such as teachers, pupils, parents and many others. It is true that this helps to create links, because the teachers work together and will organize activities for their students. They will have an important role in making decisions while respecting and developing new skills. To set up an eTwinning project, it involves the contribution of each member of the team
How does eTwinning work?
First of all, you need to log on to the eTwinning platform, where you can meet teachers in the “groups”, but also search for project partners for eTwinning distance projects as well as mobility projects within the framework of ‘Erasmus more. Many tips are available directly on the platform to help you in your research. You can also subsequently register for training in the language of your choice and be kept up to date with the latest news on mobility projects.
You will also find the TwinSpace, which is a collaborative work space, open for each mobility project and which then allows it to be validated by their respective national assistance office. On this space, you can add the members of your choice such as students or parents for example, or even partners.

Frequently asked questions about the eTwinning platform
What is eTwinning for?
The eTwinning platform helps the collaboration between different European schools with the use of communication and information technologies, while providing support and services to these schools.
Who is the eTwinning platform for?
This platform is mainly aimed at schools in Europe, in order to help them as best as possible in their mobility projects.